free-space optical communication

LOS-NLOS identification algorithm for indoor visible light positioning system

5G Internet of radio light services for supermarkets

Impact and feasibility of darklight LED on indoor visible light positioning system

Potentiality of a bi-directional system based on 60GHz and VLC technologies for e-health applications

To support the E-HEALTH services, a locatable, radiation-free and high-capacity communication system is urgently needed in Hospitals. In this paper, a bi-directional system is proposed combining 60GHz technology for the uplink communications and VLC …

A cost-effective approach for ubiquitous broadband access based on hybrid PLC-VLC system

Solar panel receiver system implementation for visible light communication

Visible Light Communication (VLC) is a rapidly growing technology. This technology has several advantages: (1) communication is controlled and secured in the space, as light does not go through walls, (2) unlike radio waves, visible light does not …

Solar panel receiver system implementation for visible light communication

Visible Light Communication (VLC) is a rapidly growing technology. This technology has several advantages: (1) communication is controlled and secured in the space, as light does not go through walls, (2) unlike radio waves, visible light does not …