
Xun Zhang

Professor of Electronic Engineering


Dr. Xun ZHANG, current professor in ISEP (www.isep.fr), Paris, France. He obtained in October 2009 the Ph.D. degree in the Instrumentation and Microelectronics (IM) Science at the University of Nancy. From 2009 to 2011, he completed a PostDoc in the SCEE laboratory in CentralSupélec, France, under the supervision of Pr. Jacques Palicot. During this Postdoc, he applied the auto-reconfigurable management method and control strategies in FPGA for cognitive radio system. He joined the LISITE laboratory in ISEP in 2011 as an associate professor. His current research interests are PHY layer optimization for 5G cellular networks and VLC systems, and VLC-based indoor high accuracy positioning algorithm and tracking algorithm. He has been involved in serval international projects (Horizon H2020 6G BRAINS, Horizon H2020 IoRL, EGIDE Franco-Chine, CAIYUANPEI, XUGUANGQI, and Orange foundation RoBo). In 2015 He has launched the Visible light communication activated at ISEP. Currently, his team has one PLC-VLC high data rate demonstration, one VLC based indoor triangulation demonstration platform and one USRP-based Software Defined Radio platform for Visible light communication. Published 60+ scientific papers in internationals journals and conference proceedings and 2 book chapters. His team has wide exchange program with oversea academic institute like (UK: Brunel university; China: Tsinghua university; HK: Hong Kong university of science and technology) In France, he has a close relation with CEA LETI and Oledcomm who are the leader in VLC market in France.

张迅,法国巴黎高等电子学院,教授,法国索邦大学博导,法国萨克雷大学常任研究员,IEEE senior member,中科院一区期刊 IEEE transaction On broadcasting 副主编,mdpi sensor 期刊 主编,主要从事多媒体通信系统学科研究,研究领域包括通感一体化下一代超大规模无线传感系统,智能传感网络,超大规模自主传感网络,通信系统物理层安全与亚厘米级精度定位,参与了包括欧盟地平线2020科研基金项目 (IoRL 和 6G BRAINS)、 欧盟地区发展创新基金项目、中法创新基金项目在内的多个科研项目,牵头项目总经费超过1000万欧元。项目有包括中国科技部、清华大学在内的21家国际科研院所及企业参与。作为项目主要参与专家撰写项目报告并提出了5G融合VLC接入标准及测试测量平台,本报告提交国际电信联盟,被采纳于ITU-R标准中。在国际学术期刊和会议上发表论文100余篇。


  • VLC/LiFi
  • FPGA
  • Indoor positioning


  • PhD in Micro-electronic, 2009

    Nancy University

  • MEng in Electronic Engineering, 2005

    University Sorbonne

  • BSc in Telecommunication Engineering, 2002

    Wuhan University of science and Technology
